The Medicine Bag
Here's a bundle of powerful tools featuring The Guide to the Shamanic Journey. Blessings!
Click on a chapter heading below to reveal the contents for that subject
But First...
How Did I Get This Way?
Video 1
Video 2
Medicine Journey: To Your Broken Heart
Video 3
Medicine Writes: My Broken Heart...
Q&A: TAHL...again?!?
Checklist: 3 Big Things
Alchemist's Notebook...for Practitioners
Your Guide to the Shamanic Journey
The Shamanic Journey: Step-by-Step
Just Drums
What's Next?
Table of Contents / Foreword
Sample Chapter: Fire
Water Journey: The Lake of Fear
Lesson #2 Q&A: Acceptable Addiction?
Lesson #13: Experience Changes Belief - Part 1 - It Takes a New Experience to Change an Old Belief
Lesson #14: Experience Changes Belief - Part 2 - When an Addiction Makes Perfect Sense: The Magic Moment
Lesson #17: Reminders....The Power of Denial
Lessons #36-41 | Metal: The Pride of Fatherhood & The Pain of Addiction
Lesson #39: Forgiving Myself
Lesson #47: The #1 Factor for Relapse / Partners: Three Different Types
The Fear of Feeling & the Etiquette of Sorrow
The Space Between
Ready, Prep, Quit! - Part 1: Ready?
Ready, Prep, Quit! - Part 2: Prep
Ready, Prep, Quit! - Part 3: Quit!
Ready, Prep, Quit! - Bonus
Conversations With the Wounded Healer: #055 The Paradox of Addiction
In Conversation...with Director Mark Titus on "The Wild: How Do You Save What You Love?"
In Conversation...with Director Mark Titus on "The Wild: How Do You Save What You Love?
In Conversation...with Buddhist Monk Vince Cullen on Self-Forgiveness
In Conversation....with the Venerable Robina Courtin
Collaboration: Mental Health Professionals
In Conversation...All In: The Addicted Gamblers Podcast
Acupuncture Today - The Cycle of Addiction Part 1: Introduction to the Cycle
Acupuncture Today - The Cycle of Addiction Part 2: The Yin Yang of Addiction
Acupuncture Today - The Cycle of Addiction Part 3: Treatment
Acupuncture Today - Step #1 in Treating Addiction: Defining It
Acupuncture Today - Step #1 in Treating Addiction: Defining It (PDF)
Adderall: The Cost of Speeding
Alchemist Acupuncture-Points of Transformation: Treating Denial - Heart 7 & Kidney 3
Great River Symposium 2021 - TCM & Addictions: The Three Principles of Alchemist Recovery (PDF)
Great River Symposium 2021 - TCM & Addictions: The Three Principles of Alchemist Recovery (Video)
TCM Practitioners: How Exactly Does This Collaboration Work?
It's Here!
Watch this intro video here: